Monday, March 5, 2007

A very brief introduction.

Hello, willkommen, howday, bienvenido, bienvenue and welcome!

Welcome, that is, to Bloggers 4 Gordon, an all-singing, all-dancing, all-exciting blog-fest for political activists from the Labour Party and beyond who want to see Gordon Brown as leader of the Labour Party and our next Prime Minister.

Here is the place for all the best, first-hand, inside, blogs, news and reviews of the campaigning activities of our globe-trotting, poverty-tackling, growth-encouraging, inspirational Chancellor, Gordon Brown MP.

And it's not all going to be the digging from your intrepid host ("oh no" I hear you cry.) Yes! You too, dear readers, will have the chance to post all your opinions, news, sightings (even pictures of our protagonist, if your host can figure out this "internet" thing) and reviews of all the lastest HM Treasury action.

This way, we can all have a place on the WWW (didn't Al Gore invent this? - Ed) to look forward to a day when OUR Labour Party is lead by a man we can all look to for inspiration, dedication and a direction that will lead us to a 4th victory, a 5th victory and beyond...

Yours ever,


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